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Summit on Green Hydrogen Initiatives | BRICS | Conservation

In News

India is hosting a summit on Green Hydrogen initiatives involving the BRICS nations. 

The event offers a platform to share their respective Green Hydrogen initiatives and views on how to take it to the next level in their own countries. 

Recently, the Government announced to scale up the target of having 450 GW of renewable energy by 2030. 

In this context, the Union Budget 2021 has proposed the launch of the National Hydrogen Energy Mission.

Hydrogen's potential

Hydrogen is one of the most abundant elements on earth for a cleaner alternative fuel option. Therefore, for a clean future aligning hydrogen production needs to be synchronized with broader electricity demand in the economy.

What is green hydrogen? 

Hydrogen when produced by electrolysis using renewable energy is known as Green Hydrogen which has no carbon footprint. 

What is the significance of Green Hydrogen?

Green hydrogen energy is vital for India to meet its Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) Targets and ensure regional and national energy security, access, and availability.

Green Hydrogen can act as an energy storage option, which would be essential to meet intermittencies (of renewable energy) in the future.

In terms of mobility, long-distance mobilizations for either urban freight movement within cities and states or for passengers, Green Hydrogen can be used in railways, large ships, buses or trucks, etc.

Hydrogen has the potential to be the key renewable target in supporting infrastructure as well.

What are the issues involved?

The biggest challenges faced by the industry for using hydrogen commercially is the economic sustainability of extracting green hydrogen.

Currently, most renewable energy resources that can produce low-cost electricity are situated far from potential demand centers. If hydrogen were to be shipped, it would significantly erode its economics

The technology used in the production and use of hydrogen-like Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and hydrogen fuel cell technology is at a nascent stage and is expensive which in turn increases the cost of production of hydrogen.

The Electricity Act, 2003 has envisioned operationalizing open-access power across State boundaries. However, this has not been implemented in letter and spirit. Without the removal of this impediment, the electricity tariffs could double when supplying open access.

Way Forward

Decentralized Production: Decentralised hydrogen production must be promoted through open access of renewable power to an electrolyzer (which splits water to form H2 and O2 using electricity).

Minimizing Intermittency: There is a need for mechanisms to ensure access to round-the-clock renewable power for decentralized hydrogen production.

Augmenting Production: Improving the reliability of hydrogen supply by augmenting green hydrogen with conventionally produced hydrogen will significantly improve the economics of the fuel.

Providing Finance: Policymakers must facilitate investments in early-stage piloting and the research and development needed to advance the technology for use in India.

Boosting Domestic Manufacturing: India must learn from the experience of the National Solar Mission and focus on domestic manufacturing.