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India abstains voting on UNGA resolution on Myanmar | Reasons & Implications

Why in News?

India recently abstained from voting on the United Nations General Assembly‘s (UNGA’s) resolution for an arms embargo against Myanmar. 

119 countries voted ‘yes’, and 36 countries abstained, including Myanmar’s neighbors China and India, along with Russia.

What was the resolution?

The UNGA adopted a resolution on Myanmar called “upon the Myanmar armed forces to respect the people’s will as freely expressed by results of the general election of 2020, to end the state of emergency, to respect all human rights of people of Myanmar and to allow the sustained democratic transition of Myanmar, including the opening of the democratically elected parliament, and by working towards bringing all national institutions, including the armed forces, under a fully inclusive civilian government that is representative of the people’s will”.

Why India abstained from voting?

Indian Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador TS Tirumurti said that India has “direct stakes in the maintenance of peace and stability in Myanmar.”

Despite its abstention, India made several arguments similar to the resolution – such as welcoming the ASEAN’s five-point consensus, reaffirming the UN Security Council’s call for an “early visit of the ASEAN Special Envoy”, condemning the “use of violence” and expressing “steadfast” support for the process of democratic transition. 

It also recognized that the instability in Myanmar could spill over beyond its borders, and called for “greater engagement” to “peacefully resolve all issues”.

Why should India be concerned about the situation in Myanmar? 

For India, the stakes are high as instability within Myanmar has grave implications for the Northeast region. 

There are reports of guerrilla groups in Myanmar reviving their activities and any breakdown of law and order will allow militant groups in the Northeast to take advantage of the situation. 

What’s happening in Myanmar? 

The elected leaders of Myanmar were overthrown early this year in a coup by the army, which accused Aung Sang Suu Kyi’s ruling party of cheating in the November elections. The army’s allegation has been rejected by the previous election commission and international monitors. 

What lies ahead for India?

India’s reaction is likely to be different this time. India does care about democracy in Myanmar, but that’s a luxury it knows it will not be able to afford for the time being. Why? Because

India’s security relationship with the Myanmar military has become extremely close, and it would be difficult to “burn bridges” with them given their assistance in securing the North East frontiers from insurgent groups.

Changed image of Ms. Suu Kyi herself: Her image as a democracy icon and Nobel peace laureate has been damaged by her time in office, where she failed to push back the military, and even defended the Army’s pogrom against Rohingya in Rakhine State in 2015.

Benefits for China: A harsh reaction from India, on the lines of that from the U.S., which has threatened action against those responsible for the “coup” unless they revoke the military’s takeover, would only benefit China.

Apart from strategic concerns, India has cultivated several infrastructure and development projects with Myanmar, which it sees as the “gateway to the East” and ASEAN countries (For example India-Myanmar-Thailand trilateral highway and the Kaladan multi-modal transit transport network, as well as a plan for a Special Economic Zone at the Sittwe deep-water port).

Besides, India still hopes to help resolve the issue of Rohingya refugees that fled to Bangladesh, while some still live in India, and will want to continue to engage the Myanmar government on that.

To know more, Why did India abstain from voting on the Myanmar resolution at the UN General Assembly? (