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Chennai-Vladivostok Maritime Corridor | Russia's Far East | India's prospects | GEOPOLITICS

Why connectivity is important? 

  • The radical transformation of the world economy in the post-WWII period – driven by globalization, trade, & tech – a vital role in connectivity. 
  • Geopolitical dimension of connectivity projects - one of the driving forces for states to pursue policies that establish trade, investment & other commercial links. 
What is it? 

Chennai-Vladivostok Eastern Maritime Corridor  

When announced?  



India & Russia 

How significant is the corridor?  

  • Economically -  increase trade relations. 
  • Geopolitically -  East Asia connectivity & presence.  


Chennai-Vladivostok link was operated for a few years during the Soviet period, is now being considered for revival. 

Existing challenges to India-Russia Trade 

Politically India & Russia have a time-tested & trusted relationship, but the economic relationship is not up to the potential level. The following are seen as the major challenges to trade ties: 

  • Lack of connectivity (major) 
  • Absence of private sector 
  • Poor logistics 
  • The decline of trade in local currencies 
  • Limited oil & gas imports from Russia 
  • Lack of policy clarity to increase Indian exports to Russia 

Are there any previous efforts to solve the connectivity problem? 

Yes, International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) was launched in 2000 by India, Iran, and Russia to enhance connectivity. 

What is the current status of INSTC? 

  • Slow Progress 
  • The corridor is operational only in certain parts.  

 2019 meeting and its outcomes? 

  • PM Modi visited Vladivostok in 2019 to attend both Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) and the annual Indo-Russia bilateral summit.  
  • To rectify INSTC's slow progress & to enhance trade ties – both countries held talks. 
  • Special focus on Russian Far East.  
  • Both agreed to the idea of the Chennai-Vladivostok maritime corridor 

The geopolitical significance of Russia's Far East (RFE)

  • Russia is sincerely making efforts to RFE its window to the East. 
  • RFE is economically backward but rich in natural resources.  
  • China & South Korea's presence in RFE is high.  
  • India also showed interest in RFE - announced a line of credit packages for the development of RFE & to help Indian companies establish their presence there.  
  • RFE is rich in diamond processing, petroleum & natural gas, coal & mining, agro-processing, & tourism. 
  • Currently, Indian companies in RFE are engaged in the sectors of diamond cutting, tea packaging, coal mining, and oil & gas.  
  • China- Russia-Mongolia corridor under BRI is already in progress. 
  • Russia wants to diversify its investors – welcomes India to invest in RFE.  

Energy cooperation 

  • India has high energy demands.  
  • US sanctions on Iran & the tensions in the Middle East led to a fall in India’s energy imports from the Middle East. 
  • India wants to diversify its energy partners – trusting one region is a mistake.  
  • Recently India-Russia energy partnership is gaining momentum. 
  • Finalizing this energy partnership will boost this corridor. 
  • Also, Russia's oil export power is increasing because of Arctic explorations. So this corridor will help cater energy demands of India. 

 What are the challenges to energy cooperation?

  • Oil refining capacity on India’s eastern coast is limited and old.  
  • Most of India’s energy imports land on its western coast from the Middle East & Africa that is why high-tech refineries & Private refineries are located in the west of India.   
  • India must work on its eastern refineries. 

The Geopolitical angle of the corridor

India & Russia recently focus on East Asia.  

Implications on India

  • Further impetus to India's Act East Policy & Indo-Pacific Policy. 
  • India can have access to the Arctic also. 
  • The corridor will also further increase India’s movements in South China Sea & Indo-Pacific. 
  • India can connect to South Korea & Japan. 

Implications on Russia

  • Russia's "pivot to the East" policy & "Greater Eurasian initiative" 
  • Russia wants to connect the Arctic & Indo-Pacific (Northern Sea Route) to further its Greater Eurasia vision. 

What are the Challenges to the corridor?

  • Recently Indo-Russia is slow in progress. 
  • Russia is wary of the Quad and the US's ambitions in Indo-Pacific. 
  • Increasing Russia-China partnership since the 2014 Ukraine Crisis.  
  • US's sanctions on Russia are further pushing Russia towards China. 
  • India-China relations are now all-time low - China will try to obstruct this corridor. 
  • India is also not in the financial power to invest in the RFE or Arctic-like China.